Upwork English Spelling Test Answers 2020 - New Update Upwork Test Answers 2020
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Accomodate
- Analyze
- Acknowledgement
- Asterisk
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
He ——- a summer house, an exercise bike and a hamster in the divorce settlement
- Accquired
- Ecquired
- Acquired
- Akquired
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Posess
- Poesess
- Possess
- Pozess
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Goverment
- Governmant
- Government
- Govermant
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Dexterity
- Dyeing
- Dessecrate
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Adress
- Addrress
- Addres
- Address
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Mischeivous
- Misanthrope
- Mussel
- Malicious
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
The annual ————- was ruined when a family of bears stole the hotdogs
- Barbecue
- Barbequeue
- Barbycue
- Barbcue
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Exhilirate
- Exhilarate
- Exhilireat
- Exhilrate
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
Sally’s —————-who was unable to handle his nervousness, left her standing by the altar
- Fiancé
- Finance
- Feance
- Fience
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
On the ———— – day of Christmas, lucy was annoyed to find her yard full of noisy drummers drumming
- Twelyth
- Twelfth
- Twelfeth
- Twelth
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
- Reincanation
- Reincarenation
- Reincarnation
- Reincantation
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Pronounciation
- Pronuciation
- Pronuncitation
- Pronunciation
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Conscentiuos
- Consentious
- Conscientous
- Conscientious
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Synonymous
- Synonymus
- Synonimous
- Sinonymus
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Ligitimate
- Legitimate
- Legetimate
- Legitemate
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Fluorescent
- Fulfil
- Facsimile
- Fictitious
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
————- animals feed almost exclusively on meat
- Carnivorus
- Carnivorous
- Carnivoures
- Carnivoreus
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Embarassment
- Embrassement
- Embarrasment
- Embarrassment
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Occasion
- Occurrence
- Orangutan
- Opponant
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Enhancement
- Elicit
- Enegma
- Ecstasy
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
The professor made it clear that ————— would not be tolerated
- Plagiarism
- Plagiarizm
- Plagerism
- Plagrism
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Develop
- Desciple
- Dilemma
- Discipline
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
Ciara the cat simply chose to ignore the —————- of our dog
- Existence
- Existance
- Existense
- Existanse
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Leiutenant
- Luietenant
- Lietanent
- Lieutenant
Which of the following means ‘’ the owner or manager of a restaurant’’?
- Restaureter
- Restaurater
- Restaurateur
- Restourateur
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Priveledge
- Privilage
- Privilege
- Privelege
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Manoeuvar
- Manouver
- Maneuver
- Manuver
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
Hazel dormouse is a ———— creature
- Nocternal
- Nocturnal
- Noctarnal
- Nacturnal
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Managable
- Millennium
- Minuscule
- Miscellaneous
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Idiosyncracy
- Idiosincrasy
- Idiosyncrasy
- Ideosyncracy
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
Many would-be travelers were —————— by the price of gas last summer
- Flabergasted
- Flabberghasted
- Flabbergasted
- Flabbergashted
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Councelor
- Condescend
- Camouflage
- Criticize
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Sophomore
- Supersede
- Susceptable
- Spontaneous
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
He wrote —————- on every topic to string theory
- Prollifically
- Prolificaly
- Prollificaly
- Prolifically
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
After my grandfather was diagnosed with chronic ———————- he moved to Arizona
- Neumonia
- Peneumonia
- Pneumonia
- Pnuemonia
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
The crowd ———————- me on my acceptance into Mensa
- Congradulated
- Congrachulated
- Congratulated
- Congratilated
Identify the misspelled word in the list below
- Yacht
- Youthful
- Yeilding
- Yesterday
Choose the correct spelling of the word from the options below
- Excesive
- Exccesive
- Excessive
- Exceesive
Complete the following sentence by choosing the correct spelling of the misspelled word
Their relationship was plagued by ————————— problems
- Perpetual
- Perpechual
- Purpetual
- Perptual
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